Água Boa II, Rio Pardo de Minas - Minas Gerais, Brazil 2018
Faith is a vital part of day-to-day life for the geraizeiros from Água Boa II, which includes their struggle for land rights and identity acknowledgement. From time to time, they make a religious pilgrimage known as Romaria do Areião through the protected areas inside the community. The Romaria is a way of reaffirming the geraizeiros’ bonds with the Cerrado biome and its biodiversity. It’s also a political act, in which the community’s demands are vocalized.
In that picture, we see Antônio on the right and Deca on the left, praying in the Nascentes Geraizeiras Reserve. The Holy Mary statue was built by Deca, and it was his first attempt at sculpture making. Deca, by the way, is a true artist. He learned how to play the guitar and the accordion by himself. Having a humble and tranquil nature, he doesn’t like to brag, but has an incredibly easy time learning new things.
In that picture, we see Antônio on the right and Deca on the left, praying in the Nascentes Geraizeiras Reserve. The Holy Mary statue was built by Deca, and it was his first attempt at sculpture making. Deca, by the way, is a true artist. He learned how to play the guitar and the accordion by himself. Having a humble and tranquil nature, he doesn’t like to brag, but has an incredibly easy time learning new things.